

成都現地発ツアー、成都ツアー、成都現地ツアー、成都観光ツアー、成都観光ガイド、成都現地旅行会社、九寨溝ツアー、九寨溝現地ツアー、九寨溝ツアー成都発、成都発九寨溝黄龍ツアー、成都現地日本語ガイド、成都パンダボランティア、成都パンダ抱っこツアー、成都パンダ現地ツアー http://www.pandatabi.com

For panda baby milk feeding volunteer

for panda baby milk feeding volunteer
At 06:50,pick up your hotel,go to wolong panda base.
At 09:00,you arrive at wolong panda base,you You check in at the office.
At 09:20.you visit in panda base.
At 09:50, You go into the panda kindergarten,for panda milk feeding.
At 10:20,you visit in panda base.
At 11:50 ,you have a lunch.
At 12:40,you have a rest,or You watch panda movie.
At 13:30,You make panda cake.
At 14:00,You will visit the panda base.
At 14:50, You go into the panda kindergarten,for panda milk feeding.
At 15:20 You go back to the office to get the certificate.
At 15:30,you go to chengudu.hotel of chengdu.
At 18:10,you arrive at hotel in chengdu.


Dujiangyan Panda Base volunteer day tour

Dujiangyan panda base volunteer Itinerary
Day trip
7:10 to 8:40
Pick up and go to Dujiangyan Panda Base
8:40 to 9:00
Complete registration procedure; put on the work suit and gloves, wear the volunteer pass card.
9:00 to 10:00
Carry out the leftovers, wash and clean the panda enclosures, sweep out the panda feces, clean bamboo, etc.
10:00 to 11:00
Visit other panda enclosures, tour around the panda base.
11:00 to 11:30
Feed the panda with bamboo or other food, like carrot, panda cake and apple.
11:30 to 13:00
Lunch Break
13:00 to 14:00
Watch a panda documentary movie to learn more about the scientific facts and the life of panda.
14:00 to 15:00
Clean the Panda’s enclosures and feed them again.
15:00 to 15:30
Prepare food for the panda and learn to make the panda cake.
Get the panda volunteer certificate and souvenirs; the panda volunteer experience comes to an end.
15:30 to 17:30
Back to Chengdu.arrive at your hotel.

東西の交わる中国「吐魯番」で見るべき観光|シルクロード 旅行

ヨーロッパ中東?アジアをつなぐ交易路、シルクロードの要衝であったオアシスの町トルファン(中国語では吐魯蕃と書きます)。現在は中国の一部ですが、中国に編入されたのは数百年前で長く独立した王国の一部でした。そのため中国とは全く違う雰囲気を持っています。そんな吐魯蕃のおすすめ観光スポットを紹介していきます。ヨーロッパ中東?アジアをつなぐ交易路、シルクロードの要衝であったオアシスの町トルファン(中国語では吐魯蕃と書きます)。現在は中国の一部ですが、中国に編入されたのは数百年前で長く独立した王国の一部でした。そのため中国とは全く違う雰囲気を持っています。そんな吐魯蕃のおすすめ観光スポットを紹介していきます。西域経営の中心ー漢代の遺跡も西域、あまり耳にしない言葉かもしれません。中国では古くから、現在の新疆ウイグル自治区のあたりをこの名前で読んでいました。シルクロードの要衝であるこの地域は、莫大な富をもたらすため古くは漢王朝の時代から中国の王朝に狙われてきました。そして吐魯蕃はこの西域の中心にあり、中国の王朝による西域支配の中心だった為、歴史的な遺跡が多くあります。この地に残る漢王朝の支配の名残が交河故城。土を建材にした建築では世界最大級で、漢代の遺跡としては中国に残る数少ないものです。名称 柏孜克里克千佛洞住所 中华人民共和国新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番市区东北约 40公里的火焰山峡谷木头沟河西岸営業時間?開場時間 現地時間8:00-20:30利用料金や入場料 20元柏孜克里克千佛洞のスポットページ中国は実は数十の民族からなる多民族国家。このトルファンがある新疆ウイグル自治区もその住民の過半数ウイグル人と呼ばれる民族で、トルコ人と同じルーツを持ち、そのため我々が想像する中国人とは全く異なる文化?風習を持っています。しかし他のトルコ系の国家と違うのは中国漢民族の影響を受けているということ。民族と民族、文化と文化が出会った生まれた個性をぜひ体感してください。ベゼクリク千仏洞吐魯蕃近くにあるベゼクリク千仏洞はかつて築かれた仏教徒たちの仏教遺跡。今でこそこの地域はムスリムが多数ですが、かつては仏教徒の王国がありました。数十もの石窟の内部には、美しい仏像と仏教画が遺されています。Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Cavesの住所?アクセスや営業時間など利用料金や入場料 20元西遊記の舞台にもー火焔山と砂漠千仏洞の近くには火焔山と呼ばれる丘陵があります。名前の由来は燃え盛る炎を思わせる丘の模様に由来していて、これは水などの侵食が長い間続いてできたものです。うなるような暑さも、火焔という名前にかけられているのかもしれません。ちなみにあの西遊記にも登場しています。火焔山と砂漠の住所?アクセスや営業時間など名称 火焔山と砂漠住所 新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番地区吐鲁番市G30営業時間?開場時間 旺季 現地時間 8:00-21:00,淡季 現地時間 10:00-18:30 利用料金や入場料 60元絶品ウイグル料理吐魯蕃のように砂漠に囲まれ非常に暑い区域を旅行するとヘロヘロに疲れて、地元の人たちが元気そうなのを不思議に思うものですが、その秘訣の一つが地元の食事。地元で採れたこの地域名産のブドウを始めとするみずみずしい新鮮な果物や、精のつく肉料理など美味しいウイグル料理が屋台で売られています。風景のみならずこうした伝統文化も旅で得られる貴重な体験と言えましょう。吐魯蕃の魅力中国国内にありながら、我々が持つ中国のイメージとは大きく違うウイグルの魅力。近年はインフラが整えられ、他の中国の地域ともアクセスがしやすくなっているので他の中国地域とあわせて旅をすることも可能です。


成都 現地ツアー 九寨溝


九寨溝(キュウサイコウ又は九賽溝)は1992年12月14日世界自然遺産に登録され、1995年人間と自然生物圏保護区に登録され 、 1997年世界生物保護ネットに参加し、豊富な観光資源と動植物資源に恵まれたこの山奥にある神秘観光聖地は段々世界的に注目されるようになりました。何千万年前の氷河侵食でできた九寨溝には合わせて110個の湖があり、大規模な瀑布が4箇所、早瀬、浅瀬とか数えきれないほどあります。汚染がありませんので、透き通った水が太陽光線に合わせ、夢幻な色を呈しています。特に秋の紅葉時期に投影?雪山?紺碧な湖水と紅葉一杯の山が中国立体的山水画の世界を成しており、「童話の世界」とも呼ばれています。日本のオイラセ渓流と五色沼の合わせ物だとよく言われますが、しかし、そのスケール、その美しさなどはオイラセ渓流と五色池が比べられないものだと思います。まして、野生のパンダ、レサパンダ、金糸猴などの動物と紅杉、紅松、沙羅樹などの植物も数多くあります。




「童話の世界」と称賛された九寨溝景勝地は、中国四川省アバチベット族チャン族自治羌族自治州の九寨溝中南部に位置し、一段と高くそびえる岷山山脈の奥 地にあって、成都市から約400㎞に離れています。景勝地域内には、盤信、彭布、故洼、盤亜則査洼、黒角寨、樹正、菏葉、扎如など9つのチベット族の村が あるので、この名称が付けられました。標高は2000-3100mで、高山深谷炭酸塩地形及び地域に属し、気候は穏やかで心地よくて、冬は寒風もなく、夏 は爽やかで涼しいです。年間を通しての四季は美しく、世界中で旅行環境が最高の景勝地の1つです。

九寨溝の総面積は約6万ヘクタール。樹正景勝地、日則景勝地、長海景勝地、宝鏡崖景勝地、原始森林生態景勝地など5つの景勝地に分類されます。3つの渓流 (日則溝、則査洼溝、樹正溝)は「Y」型を呈して、主な景観がここに集中しており、高山と湖、積み重ねる海、色彩豊かな林、雪山、チベットの風情をもって 国内外に、その地名が知られています。

九寨溝は、水の妖精に満ち溢れています。地元の人に「海の子」と呼ばれる湖は最も美しく、湖、泉、滝、浜は108ヶ所の「海の子」を流れ下って一体に集ま ると、とても壮観です。中国には「黄山より帰りて山を見ず、九寨溝より帰りて水を見ず」という諺(ことわざ)があります。動と静の融合、剛健と温和の調 和、さすが「中華水景の王」です。主な渓流の間には、湖114ヶ所、滝の群17ヶ所、砂浜5ヶ所、泉47ヶ所、激流11ヶ所があり、約 1000mの高低差の雪山、林と谷との間を通り抜け、50㎞と長く続いています。これは中国唯一、世界中でも珍しい巨大な景勝地です。

成都 九寨溝 ツアー



Huanglong National Scenic Reserve

Huanglong National Scenic Reserve

The 'World Wonder' and 'Fairy Land on Earth' are names enjoyed by the Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area, which is well known for its colorful lakes, snow clad mountains, valleys and virgin forest. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1992.

The scenic area is located in Songpan County, in the northwest part of Sichuan Province and encompasses the Huanglong and Muni Valley. The major scenery is concentrated in the 3.6-kilometer (2.2 miles) long Huanglong Valley that includes snow-clad peaks and the easternmost glaciers in China. Due to its layered calcium carbonated deposit patterns, the valley resembles a golden dragon winding its way through the virgin forest, stone mountains and glaciers. Along the valley are scattering numerous colorful ponds of different sizes and shapes, which are strewn with gold colored limestone deposit giving a shimmering golden hue to water, so in sunlight, a golden dragon seems to surge forth from the forest. Thus it was named 'Huanglong Valley' (Yellow Dragon Valley).

Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area is famed for its outstanding travertine (calcium carbonate) formations. With the virgin forest as its backdrop, the travertine scenery holds colorful ponds, beaches, lakes, springs, waterfalls, caves, etc. The travertine formations scenery is No.1 in China.Upon entering the scenic area, a group of exquisite, crystal clear ponds will immediately catch your eyes with their unparalleled and esthetic charm. These are the Yingbin (welcoming guests) Colored Ponds. In spring, the luxuriant trees, blooming flowers, butterflies and birdsong enhance their glamour even more. From the ponds, you can see the interwoven reflection of trees, mountains, clouds and sky, which is a veritable feast to the eyes. Along the valley, you will see many attractions including Feipuliuhui (glowing waterfall), Xishen (washing body) Cave, Penjing (miniascape) Ponds, Huanglong (Yellow Dragon) Temple, Huanglong (Yellow Dragon) Cave, Shitazhenhai and Zhuanhua (whirling flower) Pond, etc. In the Yellow Dragon Cave, there are three sitting Buddha figures whose bodies are encrusted with calc-sinter crystals. In winter, ice forest, bamboo shoots and waterfalls, etc, form a magical icy scene. Shitazhenhai is the most beautiful attraction of the whole scenic area. The calcium carbonate deposits give a myriad of different hues to the water, which is truly breath-taking. Zhuanhua Pond is crystal clear and the spring water never stops welling up. If you throw flowers or leaves into the pond, they will swirl rhythmically with flow of the water. http://www.chengduru.com

jiuzhaigou local tour

Five Flower Lake
The 18 km long Rize Valley \ is the south-western branch of Jiuzhaigou. It contains the largest variety of sites and is typically visited first. Going downhill from its highest point, one passes the following sites:
The Primeval Forest\ is a preserved ancient woodland. It is fronted by spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and cliffs, including the 500 m high blade-shaped Sword Rock .
Swan Lake is a 2250 m long, 125 m wide picturesque lake named for its visiting swans and ducks.
Grass Lake is a shallow lake covered in intricate vegetation patterns.
Arrow Bamboo Lake, covering an area of 170,000 m2, is a shallow lake with a depth of 6 m. It lies at an elevation of 2,618 m, and was a main feature site for the 2002 Chinese film Hero.
Panda Lake features curious color patterns of blue and green. It empties into the multi-stream, multi-level Panda Waterfalls, dropping 78m in 3 steps.
Five Flower Lake is a shallow multi-colored lake whose bottom is criss-crossed by ancient fallen tree trunks.
Pearl Shoal is a wide, gently sloping area of active calcareous tufa deposition covered in a thin sheet of flowing water. It empties into the famous Pearl Waterfalls, where the shoal drops 28 m in a 310 m wide broad curtain of water. A scene of the television adaptation of Journey to the West was filmed there.
Mirror Lake is another quiet lake casting beautiful reflections of the surroundings when the water is calm.

Long lake
It is comprised by Five-colored Pond in the upper part of Zechawa and Long Lake, upper, middle, lower Jijie Lake.
Long Lake is the highest, largest and deepest lake in Jiuzhaigou, measuring 7.5 km in length and up to 103 m in depth. It reportedly has no outgoing waterways, getting its water from snowmelt and losing it from seepage. Local folklore features a monster in its depths.
Five-Color Pond is one of the smallest but most spectacular bodies of water in Jiuzhaigou lakes. Despite its very modest dimensions and depth, it has a richly colored underwater landscape with some of the brightest and clearest waters in the area.


Dujiangyan Panda Base


China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda (CCRCGP), Dujiangyan Base is a brand new giant panda breeding base in Chengdu.Location Shiqiao Village, Qingchengshan County, Dujiangyan Prefecture, 65 km (40 mi) northwest of central Chengdu.China Giant Panda Protection and Research center has three bases, respectively is Wolong, Dujiangyan, and Ya’an Bifengxia. Wolong and Ya’an Bifengxia has bearing function of the giant panda feeding, breeding, research, and wild training, and the main function of the Dujiangyan base is the giant panda's nursing and disease control. Now 28 pandas were moved to the Dujiangyan base since Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008, sharing their life in luxurious villas with accompaniments of air-conditioners, toilets, independent water supply system and sport areas.The base of the Hong Kong Government and invest in the construction.Dujiangyan Panda Base was open to the public in June 2013.

There is no bother to go to Dujiangyan for just visiting pandas, because you can enjoy the same experience in Chengdu Panda Base. However, Dujiangyan Panda Base is the only site to fulfill you to do Panda Volunteer Work, presently. That is to say, Chengdu Panda Base and Bifengxia Panda Base have canceled this program and it’s no idea when to restart.Visit Panda, some as in Chengdu Panda Base, you can see those cute panda walking around their houses, eating bamboo or playing around.

Dujiangyan Panda Base is the the third part of giant panda protection network, is also the last part. Here is the place where can be in close contact with a group of lovely panda. Dujiangyan covered the panda habitat in western China, so it is easy to carry out protection, breeding, aid, and research work here. Dujiangyan panda base welcome the tourists to enjoy volunteer tour that they can take care of the giant panda and to feed the pandas.Dujiangyan panda base was planned to house mostly sub-adults not yet in the breeding program and senior pandas, too old for breeding. However, a small breeding area was constructed in addition to the hospital.

Experience Panda Volunteer, one day Panda Volunteer program is offered for tourists to get close look at pandas’ living condition, including feeding their food, watching panda videos, joining panda educational lectures, simulation operating of rescuing sick pandas, etc.With its beautifully landscaped gardens and wireless enclosures, designed in rectangular shape so you can get great, close up, panda photos, Dujiangyan Panda Base should be jam packed with visitors. If you are interested, please pay attention to our Panda Volunteer Program webpage for more updated news.http://www.chengduru.com